31 May 2007
Decision: Α- 31039/2459 /25.5.2007 and amendment and supplementation thereof by decision no. A-65033/5731/08, published in Government Gazette 438/Β/11-3-2009
“Regulation of Organisation-Operation and Service for Transport of Persons with Disabilities with OASTH’s special buses”
Regulation of Organisation-Operation and Service for Transport of Persons with Disabilities with OASTH’s special buses
Article 1 - Overview
In implementing the provisions of par. 3 Article 17 of Law 3185/2003 (Government Gazette 229/A/26.9.2003), OASTH is required, within the scope of the urban transport services the Organisation provides for passengers within its service area, to own and operate two exclusive, specially designed vehicles to transport wheelchairs and attendants while providing free (no fare) transport for persons with mobility impairment or other disabilities. In addition, OASTH owns one other vehicle in reserve for the aforementioned services.
OASTH is required to use the third-reserve vehicle on days when increased demand for transport of persons with disabilities cannot be met 100%.
Article 2 - Vehicle equipment
Provisions in effect require that safety restraints, as specified by law, be installed in the places intended for wheelchairs.
Seats for attendants must also be fitted with approved safety belts.
Vehicles must be fitted with heating and cooling systems and if technically feasible, include a built-in refrigerator to provide water for passengers with disabilities.
The exterior of the bus should be white, so that OASTH may add its logo and trade name, as well as social messages related to services for persons with disabilities, or to even cover the entire exterior surface of the bus.
Article 3 - Transfer-service hours
OASTH is obliged to provide said services for persons with disabilities as follows:
- Weekdays from 6:00 to 22:00 (in two shifts) with 2 vehicles on each shift, adding the third vehicle when there is increased demand.
- Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 7:00 to 23:00 (in two shifts) with 1 vehicle on each shift, adding a second vehicle when there is increased demand.
Article 4 - Procedure for serving persons with disabilities
The aforementioned vehicles will be used to provide service for persons with disabilities following telephone communication-appointment, either on the previous day or on the same day (at least two hours before the time of transfer, to enable smooth operation of the service) that transport of persons with disabilities and their attendants is required to and from their destination (home, recreation, hospital, etc.).
- The aforementioned vehicles may also be used for transport, following communication with associations of parents of persons with disabilities or other disabled persons associations, for social purposes (events, etc.), at least 2 days before transport is needed.
- Transport of persons with disabilities with the above vehicles is possible to and from anywhere within OASTH's service area.
To obtain service with OASTH's vehicles, disabled persons and their attendants must contact the competent officers of the Organisation either the previous day or the same day at a minimum of 2 telephone numbers publicised for this purpose by OASTH, and which shall be available at minimum from 7:30 to 21:30 daily (weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays), to declare their intent to travel and provide necessary information (place and time of boarding-disembarkation, etc.).